Dagelijks bereikbaar tussen 10:00 - 16:00.

Dagelijks bereikbaar tussen 10:00 - 16:00.

Dagelijks bereikbaar tussen 10:00 - 16:00.

Dagelijks bereikbaar tussen 10:00 - 16:00.



When in late 1813 Napoleon was defeated and the winners rearranged the borders of Europe; The Netherlands who were a part of the French empire since 1806, regained their freedom.

The then prince of Orange Willem Frederik, who lived in exile in England, was asked to become sovereign of the Netherlands, he accepted and arrived by boat at the beach of Scheveningen on the 30th of November 1813.

He was brought onto the beach on the back of a hay wagon. After the proclamation of the sovereign Kingdom of the Netherlands the prince was inaugurated as sovereign in Amsterdam. In 1815 he was officially given the title of King and the Kingdom of the Netherlands was a fact.

One hundred years later in 1913 this important moment in Dutch history was celebrated with large parties and festivities in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Scheveningen. In Amsterdam the celebrations were held a few weeks earlier in September to benefit from the good weather. The highlight of the celebrations in Amsterdam was the first Dutch exhibition on shipping (ENTOS) held in the north of Amsterdam .

To commemorate the centenary of Dutch Monarchy and independence many souvenirs were made. Here are some of the rarest ones from our collection:

Drie zilveren lepels met emaille tekst en gouden waslaag gemaakt in 1913 t.g.v 100 jaar Koninkrijk

Three silver spoons with text in enamel and a golden wash made in 1913 to celebrate 100 years of independence as a Kingdom.


bijzondere beker gemaakt in Utrecht ( mobach) 1813 1913

Beaker made in Utrecht by Mobach 1813-1913


parfumflesje in vorm van buste Koning Willem 1 op een zuil.

Perfume bottle shaped as the bust of King Willem I 1813-1913

info: NPO history & Our Amsterdam.

Schaaltje in vorm van hoofd Koningin Wilhelmina gemaakt t.g.v de ENTOS: De Eerste Nederlandsche Tentoonstelling op Scheepvaartgebied 1913

Small dish shaped as the head of Queen Wilhelmina made in 1913 for the first Dutch exhibition on shipping
Tinnen figuren van aankomst Koning Willem I en gevolg in Scheveningen 1813.

Pewter figurines of the arrival of Prince Willem later to become King Willem I at Scheveningen 1813.


Beker instelling voorlopig bestuur op 21 november 1813-1913