Dagelijks bereikbaar tussen 10:00 - 16:00.

Dagelijks bereikbaar tussen 10:00 - 16:00.

Dagelijks bereikbaar tussen 10:00 - 16:00.

Dagelijks bereikbaar tussen 10:00 - 16:00.



Important Dutch royal events have long been celebrated with souvenirs made by foreign (outside of The Netherlands) companies.

Some of the first were made in 1813 with the establishment of the Dutch monarchy, souvenirs were made of porcelain in Brussels (then a part of The Netherlands, prior to the creation of the country of Belgium)

The inauguration of Queen Wilhelmina saw a great change in this. The beautiful young queen on the throne spoke to many an imagination and several foreign firms brought commemorative souvenirs onto the Dutch market for the first time (commercial, not philanthropic motives!). A few items were also commissioned by Dutch companies.

In France, the company Sarreguemines made tableware such as dinner plates, beakers, cups and saucers, cake plates & bonbonnieres etc. A fantasy design of a portrait of Queen Wilhelmina surrounded by cherubs. They also made an unusual green majolica plate made with the text “Reine Wilhelmine” = French for Queen Wilhelmina.

The French firm Limoges dishes made with the portrait of Queen Wilhelmina in Frisian costume based on the portrait painted by Paul Berthon.

In 1948 the company also made a small plaquette on the occasion of the inauguration of Queen Juliana.

The French company Sevres also made a beautiful porcelain plate. This rare plate was commissioned by a large department store Wright Lyndale & Roden in Philadelphia USA. It shows Wilhelmina Frisian costume based on the portrait painted by Paul Berthon.

Germany also produced various souvenirs made in 1898, some of the most stunning were made by the factory Krefeld making plates, cups and saucers and tiles. They also made a service order for the wife of the Dutch ambassador in Madrid, Spain to celebrate the wedding of Queen Wilhelmina in 1901. Once again In 2013 a German company made a tankard on the occasion of the inauguration of King Willem-Alexander.

The English firm Wedgwood made several plaques in 3 colours in 1898 for the Inaugeration of Queen Wilhelmina.

In 1988 the English firm Panorama Studios made a beaker for the 50th birthday of Queen Beatrix.

The English firm Chown made a beaker and teapot in a limited edition for the wedding of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima in 2002, commissioned and designed by Paul Wyton and Joe Spiteri. In 2004 the same designers commissioned a cup on the occasion of the death of Queen Juliana and in 2005 a cup on the occasion of the silver jubilee of Queen Beatrix. Here some examples:

Kop en schotels Brussels porselein Koning Willem I en Wilhelmina Prinses van Pruisen 1813.
Cup and saucers made in Brussels of King Willem I and his wife Wilhelmina Princess of Prussia 1830.
Bonbonniere Koningin Wilhelmina 1898 gemaakt in Frankrijk door Sarreguemines.

Bonbon dish made by the French firm Sarreguemines for the inauguration of Queen Wilhelmina 1898.
Groen majolica bord gemaakt in Frankrijk met " Reine Wilhelmine" 1898 door Sarreguemines.

Majolica plate made by Sarreguemines of France “Reine Wilhelmine” 1898.



Koningin Wilhelmina ca 1892 in Fries kostuum gemaakt door Sevres Frankrijk voor warenhuis in USA.
Achterkant Sevres bord.


Achterkant Sevres bord.

Queen Wilhelmina in Frisian costume made by Sevres France ca 1892 .
Tegel gemaakt in Duitsland door firma Krefeld Koningin Wilhelmina 1898.

Porcelain tile made in Germany by Krefeld Queen Wilhelmina 1898.
Deel van het servies gemaakt op bestelling in Duitsland t.g.v het huwelijk Koningin Wilhelmina 1901.

Part of the service made by Krefeld for the wedding of Queen Wilhelmina 1901.

Small plate made by Limoges France for inauguration Queen Juliana 1948.
Beker gemaakt in Engeland Koningin Juliana in Memoriam 2004.

Mug made in Uk to commemorate the death of Queen Juliana 2004.
Bierpul gemaakt in Duitsland t.g.v de inhuldiging Koning Willem-Alexander 2013.
Tankart made in Germany for the inauguration of King Willem-Alexander 2013.